EconBiz Author Profiles

Use EconBiz Author Profiles to find more information on specific authors, their publications, research topics and co-authorships.

You are an author yourself? See how others make use of named entities or linked data.

How to search for Authors

  • Enter the authors’ name into the search field at the top. You will receive suggestions from which you can select.
  • Or select a name from the list of Nobel laureates or RePEc Top 1,000 Economists at the top of the page. Click on the pulldown-menu to select authors.
  • A list of publications by the author, information on her / his biography, tweets, author profiles on other networks, etc. will be displayed.

See our intro.

What is the GND?

The Integrated Authority File (GND) is an authority file for Persons, Corporate bodies, Conferences and Events, Geographic Information, Topics and Works. General information on the GND can be found here.

We only collect data that does comply with the GND- or K10plus [K10plusinformation in German] rules. The data that is used for GND must be publicly accessible and/or published. The data is recorded in accordance with the rules of the Common Standards File and the Cataloguing Database K10plus. This means that we cannot comply with all requests for changes.

Why is the page not properly displayed?

For a better user experience we are recommending the usage of the latest versions of browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc. The service is supporting the new devices and screens due to its responsive design; however the best interactivity can be achieved through desktop usage. In case of a display problem reloading the page may solve it. If the problem continues to occur, please contact us at .

Can I query the results?

Yes, the results can be queried in several ways. By using the word tag cloud you can add terms in the search bar, extend the added terms with related terms, or you can type your own term in the text area. By typing the terms manually you can determine to "include" or "exclude" that term in the search query by pressing the “include” or “exclude” button after typing the word.

How is the topics tag cloud created? What is the basis?

The word tag cloud is generated from the terms used in the author’s publications (title, abstract and subjects/keywords), where her/his GND is assigned. When the publications list is updated, the tag cloud will also be updated.

Since the Thesaurus for Economics (STW) is used in the EconBiz portal, the metadata-sets have German and English subject headings (keywords) which leads to the mixture of redundant English and German terms. Keeping the languages separate for the display will be an aspect of further developments in the future.

Can I find information on citations?

Many author profiles contain information from Citec. Click the link “citations” in the upper right corner in order to display citation metrics on the author.


What is the difference between "co-authors" and "related authors"?

Above the tag cloud you can find the tabs "Co-authors" and "Related authors".

With Co-authors your find researchers that have common publications with the author. With a click on “All co-authors” at the bottom of the co-authors tag cloud, you receive a full list. The numbers in brackets indicate how many publications were identified as common publications with the author from the profile you are looking at.

In the tab “Related authors” you find researchers that work on the same topics but did not publish together with the author displayed in the profile. Related authors are identified based on the topics that you see in the tag cloud “terms” of a profile. Use the slider to change the degree of similarity between authors.



For Authors

I cannot find my name. Why is that? Can I do anything about it?

Your suggestion is welcome. Your name can only be found if it has a GND-ID. Depending on affiliation and number of publications authors have in EconBiz we can add these IDs. Due to GND rules and limited resources on our part, we have to make a selection.

In all the cases when the name contain letters such as "Å, Á, Ö, ... " please replace them with *.

For example: Åbcd can be searched as *bcd, or, cdêgh like "cd*gh"


Can my profession affiliation, or other data be changed?

We have to adhere to the GND rules whether we like them or not. Depending on the GND rules, we can make changes and additions. Due to given vocabulary for the indication of e.g. job titles, topics, subjects, institution names, it may not be possible for us to change these designations.

Can a new affiliation be added to my name?

Yes, if e.g. your current workplace is missing, please let us know. Adding of lists of affiliations may be declined due to lack of resources on our part, though.

Why is my picture not shown in the profile?

If you would like your picture to be displayed in your author profile, you need to add a picture to your Wikidata-infos.

Please follow the steps [PDF] for uploading and linking the picture with your profile.


Why are links to other author profiles (e.g. Google Scholar, ORCID, Twitter) missing?

Identifiers such as Google Scholar, ORCID, SSRN, RePEc, Twitter, etc. are retrieved from your Wikidata profile. Please update your Wikidata profile with the missing identifiers, and the system instantly will display them.

If no Wikidata item page exists for your name, you have to create an item page first. Details on how to create an item page and how to add pictures and more infos to editing pages can be found here. Please note that it may take a couple of weeks before your picture is actually displayed in the author profile due to Entity Facts update cycles.

Why is the publication list not complete?

The list of publications is the same as in EconBiz. We are trying to keep this list current by constantly updating it.

In case of narrowing/broadening the existing list of publications, please use the following features:

  • by author Name | there may be records that are matching other persons/entities with the same name.
  • by author GND ID | not all records by the author may appear in the list because the identifier is missing in these publications.



Can I add missing publications?

If your publications – especially journal articles - fit the general scope (business, economics and related subjects) and are missing here, please get in touch with us:

If it fits the scope and is available in open access you can also submit your publication to EconStor:

I am an author: Can I disable my profile?

Yes, it is possible for authors to have their profile deactivated. A request should be addressed to , using an institutional email address. After verification, your profile will be deactivated.

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