About Research Guide EconDesk

Which questions can I ask?

How does Research Guide EconDesk assure the quality?

When will I receive an answer?

What happens to the personal data I provide in the webforms?

How can I complain about answers?

What is LibAnswers / SprinShare?

Which questions can I ask?

We answer questions on literature search and library services and support you with your individual data search in economics and business studies,

e.g. with the search for:

  • Statistical data
  • Information on companies and institutions
  • Biographical information
  • Country information
  • Definitions of terms
  • Translation of terms from English to German
  • Explanation of acronyms abbreviations
  • General information from encyclopaedias.

How does Research Guide EconDesk ensure the quality?

The EconDesk staff are subject librarians from economics and business studies of ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.

They are well aware of quality criteria for scholarly information and assure the quality and suitability of the resources they suggest, for academic work.

When will I receive an answer?

Questions that are put via e-mail (and questions that are put via chat or telephone but cannot be answered immediately) will be answered as soon as possible – within two days (Mo-Fr) at the latest.

What happens to the personal data I provide in the webforms?

For the use of Research Guide EconDesk you won't have to provide your real name. However, for e-mail communication, an e-mail address is required. In addition, your IP address is recorded for protection against misuse of the service. This information is deleted automatically after 3 months. Your e-mail questions and chat dialogues will be anonymized manually after 3 months. The anonymized data is stored permanently to improve our service and for research purposes.

For Research Guide EconDesk we use LibAnswers from SpringShare LLC. A data processing addendum with the provider has been entered into. The data is processed on servers in Ireland and stored there in encrypted form. Please also note the provider's data protection information: https://springshare.com/privacy.html.

If you do not agree to these terms, please use the service via phone (+49 (0)431 8814 555).

Read the full EconBiz data protection notice.

How can I complain about answers?

We aim to provide punctual, up-to-date information individually tailored to your needs. Should you not be entirely satisfied with an answer, we will be glad to process your question again after a clarification.

You can also use our feedback form. We will be happy to receive your feedback, suggestions or comments.

What is LibAnswers / SpringShare?

LibAnswers from SpringShare is a software that renders the administration of chat and e-mail reference easier. It is used in libraries all over the world. All questions you send to Research Guide EconDesk are processed with the software LibAnswers.

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