EconBiz Author Search

EconBiz Author Search, a new beta feature of EconBiz Author Profiles, allows you to search for authors who research and publish on a specific topic in economics and business studies.

You can search using a keyword from the Thesaurus for Economics (STW) (e.g. "Climate Policy") or a code from the JEL Classification System (e.g. "Welfare and Poverty"). It is also possible to combine several keywords from the STW (e.g. "Climate Policy" and "Climate Change").

As a result, EconBiz Author Search displays a list of authors whose research is closely connected to the selected topic. In the result list you can find additional information about the authors (e.g. the affiliation to a research institution). With one click you can open the profile of an author in EconBiz Author Profiles and browse publications, co-authors and authors with a similar publication profile.

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